Tag: piano

Charity Piano Concert – What a day!!!

Last week I held a charity piano concert to raise money for Cancer Research UK. I am pleased to announce that everyone involved helped raise £500. I would like to thank all of my students


I’ve been very busy recently! Lots and lots of teaching now the new school year is fully underway… Last weekend I had the honour of playing piano at the wedding of some very close friends.

Demo ready to listen to!

Hi there! I’ve just got back from a fantastic break in Cadiz, Andalucia…. Now it’s time to get back to teaching and playing some piano! So I finally have my demo on this website now,

A quick word from Spain!

I am on a big break in Cadiz in the South of Spain at the moment with my very good friend Sam (who made this website for me!). Obviously I am missing my piano very

Winterwell wasn’t that a great weekend

I’ve been away living in a field for the last week, at the most amazing festival I’ve ever been to! I was helping set up one of the tents/stages with some friends. It was a

Piano man was the Crown Jools

For the Jubilee weekend my mother took me to see Jools Holland and his rhythm and blues band at the Malvern Theatre. What a show! If you don’t already play the piano then this man